Stringent QoS requirements of video streaming are not addressed by the delay characteristics of highly dynamic peer-to-peer (P2P)\r\nnetworks. To solve this problem, a novel locality-aware method for choosing optimal neighbors in live streaming multicast P2P\r\noverlays is presented in this paper. To create the appropriate multicast tree topology, a round-trip-time (RTT) value is used as a\r\nparameter distinguishing peers capabilities.Themulticast tree construction is based on theHuffman source coding algorithm. First,\r\na centrally managed version is presented, and then an effective use of a distributed paradigm is shown. Performance evaluation\r\nresults prove that the proposed approach considerably improves the overlay efficiency from the viewpoint of end-users and\r\ncontent providers.Moreover, the proposed technique ensures a high level of resilience against gateway-link failures and adaptively\r\nreorganizes the overlay topology in case of dynamic, transient network fluctuations.